06 December 2008

white earbuds

you know i'm not an early adopter of tech. meg got me a shuffle. i listen to recordings of myself talking through biochem concepts. not exciting, but if you saw the white cable going to my head you'd think i was creating my oasis. sounds pathetic? at least i have the look.

and- moving to a new city is a good time to give your look a tweak. i've narrowed some considerations to the list at left.


Hmm said...

Garrett, if you saw me lately without a shirt, you'd think I was wearing a sweater; hence I can definitely stand behind "more chest hair." It's winter and you could use the extra layer.

Alison said...

ha-i voted for the gold chain, i would love to see that! funny nobody has voted for the mustache-doesn't that come a couple times a year anyways?

Brooke said...

SPEEDO makeover... should I post pictures? Actually it was a track suit, right.

SD and EJ said...

Go for the chest hair and the mustache. Definitely a good idea.