09 June 2008


Alright, I almost never do these kinds of things, but I think I got tagged by Heidi - although she might have been referring to the former Megan Welch current Megan Anderson. Either way, it's a good excuse to brag on my husband. . .

How long have you been together? It has been almost 5 years now! We met in October-ish of 2003.

Who kissed who first? This is the un-answerable question. I'm certain that Garrett kissed me and he's positive I kissed him. We both remember the first kiss - it is just a dispute as to who did the leaning in. The reason I KNOW I'm right, though is that I had been dodging kisses he was going for, for like 3 weeks when I finally decided it was wearing me out - I just gave in.

Who eats more? Me - sad, but true.

Who is taller? Garrett - just enough.

Who is smarter? Garrett - by far! Half the time I use a big word he gets a funny look on his face and then asks me if I know what it means. I usually respond with something like, "yeah, but I can't explain it" and he comes back really nicely with "that's not really the right way to use it," and then he rattles off a nearly dictionary-like definition for me. He's brilliant!

Who is more sensitive - I guess it depends on your interpretation of the word - I cry about anything and everything, but he cares more about how I'm feeling, etc. So under the "good" meaning of the word, he is. Under the bad meaning - like "ugh, she's so sensitive!" I am! :)

Who does the laundry? Garrett. Again, this is embarrassing, but he does it all! He's doesn't like me to do his laundry. I think it makes him feel old-fashioned or something, and I have no problem with him doing mine - so I guess that's how it works out.

Who cooks? Mostly me, but let's be honest, I don't really cook either - I attempt to cook more than he cooks, but his food is FAR better! I can't think of anything he's not good at!

Who drives when you two are together? Garrett, if I can run to the passenger side before he gets there. I always make him drive and he gets sick of it, but I'm kind of a ditzy driver, so I just prefer him at the wheel.

Who is more stubborn? This is a total toss up. We would probably both say the other one, but I think Garrett may be more stubborn than me because I'm a lawyer and I still can't win some of our "discussions." That's got to say something!

Who has more siblings? Garrett

Who is more daring? Garrett LOVES adventure! You all know that anyway. And I think everyone knows I'm much less daring than him. I'm working really hard at being more adventurous though.

Extra stuff: Garrett is going to hate this post. In fact, he may want to delete it, but oh well. Happy Birthday again babe!


Darla said...

OH my goodness. I love the whole "do you really know what that word means?" quote. Soo funny! I don't even try because I feel like my vocab is ridiculously small, while Geof. is the opposite and uses wrong words all the time. But it's cute. Happy bday Garrett!

Megan Andersen said...

I love the picture of Gar...it is perfect for hubby tag! Megan, you are one lucky gal. Garrett was always one of my favorites! He is just so much fun to talk to & have around all the time. You both are!! I love you guys!!! Happy Birthday Garrett!

The Cannons said...

Happy 28th Garrett! I remember the first time we met back in November of 2000. You asked me which school I was going to prior to the mission and then hit me with the "Oh, you mean 'Breed'em Young University'" line and I totally didn't get it until you said it like five more times. So many wonderful memories.


Dinger said...

We love Garwett!! That picture totally makes him look like the guy shaking the cow for Carl's Jr.!!! Our husbands sound so much a like--it is scary!! I have stopped using big words too, and Dan calles the microwave the "Microzapper" and the radio the "Geto-Blaster" just to annoy me!! He has heard mom and dad use those words and thinks it is so funny!! Our husbands are weird, but we love them!

The Cannons said...

Ya you're right someone who goes tornado chasing is definitely not very adventurous. You really need to work on that. That post was hilarious, I'm so glad you gave in. Happy Birthday Garrett.

shh said...

Oh, the things you learn about your kids on their blog. I love it!

Alison said...

love the pict of g

mnhvance said...

Megan - you are so cute! This is Haleigh Gustaveson, from Brighton. Remember me? I am so glad to have found your blog. Let me know how you are! You look great and congrats on your marriage (even though it was like, 5 years ago!)!


Anonymous said...

Meg, what a cute picture of gar. Its always good to hear everything you guys are doing. it never seems like a dull moment. luv ya both luv tiff

Brooke said...

Happy Birthday Garrett! Great post Megan... way to make him leave it up there.

We need to dive... maybe there's a place in Germany:)

Heather said...

Hey Megan,

It's Heather Done. Thanks for your comment on my blog. Looks like you've got a great fam your self with some exciting changes coming. So fun!