17 August 2008

my state of mind

warning, adult content.
you've been warned.

she's sleeping now. gorgeous and beautiful. and pretty. i should be sleeping too, but i'm so enamoured (enamored? i don't know if i've ever used that word) and kindof giddy-fuzzy. from what i can see across the hudson she is so still at night. kindof a bitch when she's awake, and i love her.

she screams and rattles and has a thing with hip-hop and sirens. there's noise, rhythm, hype, confusion.

sexuality, business suits.
and she oozes at the cracks.

i popped out of a subway today in the middle of puerto rico festival. think about that for a minute.

yesterday i was in harlem eating jerk chicken in the street with reggae and calypso bouncing out of the bricks. harlem days. the sun was setting and i may as well have been in kingston (jamaica, mon).

day before i was in da bronx watching old dominican men slap dominoes around. the oldest and most senile (another word i've never used) is denied an empty seat and flashes -- nay dangles the junk in protest.

best part is, i know she isn't just putting on a show for me.


Jenny said...

So you made it to NY, we were wondering what your final destination would be. When do classes start? Good luck.

Texas Welch's said...

I bet you are seeing some eye opening things!!! Enjoy the experience and take it all in. I loved this entry. Good Luck and I can't wait to hear more stories-Jo

shh said...

Great entry. I am still trying to decide if you are there for dental school or as a journalist. I could see it, feel it, hear it, smell it, and taste it as I read.
Keep taking it all in and sharing it.

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the arrival. Lucky you to be in a city with a pulse all it's own. Salt Lake does not seem to engender that sort romantic fealty. You are both an inspiration to the rest of us to muster the courage to find our own places in the world. I have no doubt you two will leave your mark. Actually in NY I think they call it tagging. ;)

Megan Andersen said...

Ryan & I are so jealeous of you two! Way to live it up...play for us too -k- We love you guys!

Darla said...

Wow. That was pretty great. Why dental school? Why not journalism?
I agree with shh...

Nita said...

Garrett, You are awesome. You and Megan will love your experiences in NY. Its all about attitude and you've got it!

Whitney & Charlie said...

How fun you guys made it to NY! We're going to have to come visit because I've always wanted to go there. We got pretty close last summer, made it to Washington DC, but didn't have enough time, or money, to keep going to NY. We miss going to Lake Powell with you guys! It's kind of tradition to put our life jackets on like diapers now! It's the Garrett look!

Crystal Young-Otterstrom said...

I'm sooooooooooo jealous that y'all are in NY! What burrough did you end up chosing?

Shelley said...

dang boy, you are a good writer. We wish we were there with you...